Monday, July 14, 2008

What about ME screams desperate?

So, when I got to work this morning there was an email waiting in my inbox from one of my co-workers. The title of the e-mail was "Guys". In this e-mail my co-worker told me about how I could go onto this web site and sign up for a singles site, I could also specify what religion, age bracket, and even how much I wanted the guy to make. At this moment I looked to see who all she sent this email to. She only sent it to me.
She then proceeded to tell me that I could also go to the Snow Goose, in downtown Anchorage, where they have speed dating every week.



Then, later today, I was talking to my best friend and she began to tell me how she had the missionaries over for dinner last night and one of them began talking about me saying, "what's up with Holly, why isn't she married yet"? hmmm....ok.

I just have one question for these people....What is it about me that screams Desperate??


Heidi said...

I don't think you are desperate, maybe they think that you are just so pretty that they can't belive you aren't with someone. And sometimes people think that they aren't happy without someone so nobody can be happy without someone. Just laugh off what others said and know that you know what is best.

Laura said...

I hate word verification, btw.
Anyways, that missionary is a freak, but he definately has his crushers out.
that email sounds hilarious!

Christy said...

Bahaha! If I was still single I'd go speed dating with you.

I'm pretty sure you're not desperate, I think it's just the "mormon" view that people get married at age 19, so if you're any older than that, people think it's weird. Whatever. You're only've got plenty of time!